Ms. V

USD 216 is excited to introduce Ms. Nennah Vainerere as our new HS/MS Graphic Arts/Computer Teacher for the 2022-23 school year. Ms. Vainerere attended the Kansas City Art Institute and graduated from Friends University. Her family consists of her mom, brother, and two cats. When Ms. Vainerere is not working in education, she enjoys painting, piano, gardening, trying new Pinterest recipes, and shopping! Her goal for her first year in Deerfield is to get to know students and revive excitement for and interest in the graphics program; make and distribute a yearbook with special features on graduating seniors, events, clubs, activities, etc.; organize a yearbook signing party; increase profits of Deerfield Designs. Please welcome Ms. Nennah Vainerere to USD 216, and we canā€™t wait to see the impact she has on our district. #InTheArena #Spartans216