State Trap Shooting

On June 18, 2022, the Deerfield High School/Middle School trap team participated in the Kansas State High School Clay Target League Class 1A State Trap Tournament, held at the Kansas Trap Association Trap Range in Sedgwick, Kansas. 

Iā€™m proud of our trap team this year. As stated in my previous article, we had three young men, Brayden Huband, Gabriel Crist, and Trey Hill, shoot straight 25ā€™s. Well done, men!

State Results are as follows:   Deerfield as a team placed 36 out of 58 teams shooting on Saturday.

Gabriel Crist shot 87/100 and tied for 104th in Male Varsity

Trey Hill shot 84/100 and tied for 136th in Male Varsity

Topher York shot 84/100 and tied for 136th in Male Varsity

Brayden Huband shot 80/100 and tied for 155th in Male Varsity

Brenda Houghton shot 71/100 and placed 15th in Female Jr Varsity

Tannon York shot 64/100 and placed 196th in Male Varsity

Elijah Bryne shot 55/100 and tied for 77th in Male Novice

Levi Crist shot 54/100 and tied for 77th in Male Novice

Alyssa Smith shot 49/100 and tied for 35th in Female Novice

Israel Garcia shot 47/100 and tied for 96th in Male Novice

Symphony York shot 41/100 and placed 42nd in Female Novice

Adelina Oropeza-Smith shot 35/100 and 49th in Female Novice

Michael Garcia shot 35/100 and placed 102nd in Male Novice       

To put things into perspective, over 600 students shot on Saturday. Again, Iā€™m immensely proud of the Deerfield Trap team.

I want to thank again some folks who made our season possible. I want to mention Isaac Luna, who helped at practice and shooting events. I also want to recognize the Lakin Gun Club and the board of directors who provide a place to shoot, targets, and some of the ammunition. We also have many who donate and make it possible to buy ammunition. Tim Claar, owner of Top Guns, provided ammunition at a reduced cost. I would also like to thank Gilbert York, Leroy Brown, and Danny Crist, who has helped with practice and anything I needed to help the team. Keith Miller made the team some very sharp hats this year. Thank You, Keith! I also want to thank two young ladies who came out and volunteered to be our managers. Addisyn Huband and Shaylie Hill volunteered their time to score and pull for the team, and their efforts are appreciated. I also want to thank Mary Chipley, who facilitated getting our tee-shirts made, and of course, all the parents who showed up at practice and the State Tournament to cheer on the team. Sheryl Smith also helped at the State Tournament this year. Thank you to all of you!

Last but not least, I want to give a huge thank you to Assistant Coach Brett Smith. I couldnā€™t have done it without the help and support of Brett. Brett, thank you for making this year a total success.