
Deerfield, KS: USD 216 Deerfield PK-12 Career Counselor Jennifer Wieberg, who was named the USD 216 Secondary Teacher of the Year back in October, was recognized Saturday, April 1st, in Salina, KS, at the Tony Events Center. The Kansas Teacher of the Year program is divided into four regions, and USD 216 is in Region 1. Two finalists are selected from each region, and in September in Wichita, the 2024 Kansas Teacher of the Year will be chosen from those eight finalists.

Mrs. Wieberg will get to spend the next year representing USD 216 and will have many
professional development opportunities that she will be able to bring back to Deerfield and share with her peers.

USD 216 is proud of Mrs. Wieberg and appreciates all she does for the students and staff of
Deerfield Public Schools.

You can go to www.usd216.org to see the story or download the USD 216 App.