Middle School
USD 216 Middle School Student Council
Elected Representatives
Volunteer Workers
The senator visits with High School and Middle School student council
Senator John Doll visited with the Deerfield Middle School and High School Student Council during lunch on Tuesday, September 21st. He spent time sharing information and stories about his career in politics and what it is like to work in Topeka.
Senator Doll gave students ideas on how to be excellent representatives for the middle school and high school student body. He also visited with students on the process for being a page at the capitol building during the legislative session. The students showed great interest in all he had to say and really enjoyed his visit.

STUCO Regional Conference
On Wedsday, September 29, 2021, both Middle School and High School STUCO went to this conference. This conference was held in Dodge City, Kansas. This conference has been held there in years past, but due to Covid-19 was not able to have it last year. When we had arrived they provided water, dounuts, and had a backdrop set up for STUCO groups could take pictures. For entertainment before it had start was just dance,which had amazing songs to dance to. What they did to get us all awake and ready for the conference the Dodge City Drill Team gave an amazing show. Once They had everyone was introduced, they inroduced the amazing speaker we had. Her name is Kim Karr.
What Kim was speaking on was how social meadia can be used in a positive and a negative, she also explained how easy things can spread between people,brought out the stalkers to frind information on other people, but Kim was also able to keep everything real nothing sugar coated. Kim talked about peoples negative expirence on social media, and how people changed it into a positive powerful moment in humanity. It was honestly real how bad social media can be, but some people have already felt these negative this on social meidia. Kim also talk about mental health which is very important as those are injures that are invisible. We got a lot of ideas of what we should do to regonize or help clam down mentalhealth. The last activity we did was with our flashlights. They asks us questions that started off easy then they had the hard hitting questions. This activity was surreal of how many people’s flashlights were up. Was a very good expirence to be apart of.
Our last activitives was the groups to share ideas and what we do at our schools. How they put us in our groups was very simple we all had name tags that had a letter, so they annoced where all the letters were and that is where you went. Where we had an acronym and under all letters we all had an event or activites that went with the coressponding letter.Over all I think everyone got amazing ideas and a great expirence from this conference.

Red Ribbon Week
Deerfield Middle School continue the tradition of doing Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week is awarness to drug and alcohol use, as we use the week to explain how the effects of drugs and alcohol use can change your life. The Middle School put together a spirt week, and also had the Grim Reaper activity. With the Grim Reaper activity the Middle School members find stories relating to the topic of drug and alcohol use and a High School member is the Grim Reaper. 2 people play as they are dead where they can’t talk, wear the story, wear a white shirt, and hold a black flower, up until the assembly. trying to be respectful to the people who have been affected by the use of drug and alcohol or passing away cause someone made the wrong decition.
Veteran’s Day Assembly
Deerfield Middle School put together an assembly to regonize the people who serve or had served in our military. The Middle School performed The Pledge of Allegiance and put there own spin on it. Then they showed the rest of the fellow colleagues, the High School student body, Elementry classes 4th and 5th grade, and the comunity a video of an acopella group named Home Free singing God Bless the USA. The Middle School then asked Veterans to please stand and asked wveryone to give them a big round of applause.